Toolkit for Civilization 2
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CIV 2 Wonders of the World RATING FAQ by Radiospace
Wonders are reviewed on a scale of 1-5, with 5 being the best.
Colossus: 4
Build it in your capital city so corruption doesn't waste all those extra
arrows, or else move your capital to your Colossus city.
Pyramids: 3
This will speed up your city growth with all those free granaries, plus it
saves you the money of building granaries. On the down side, your cities
will probably max out anyway before you discover aqueducts and again before
you discover sewer system, and this suppresses the benefits of the Pyramids.
Great Library: 4
With this you are guaranteed to be no worse than in 3rd place in technology.
It is best when you are either geographically isolated or far behind in
technology. Though it's tempting with the Great Library to turn your
science off, you will still lag behind in tech this way. Your best strategy
is to keep doing your own research, but concentrate on moving far ahead in
one or two areas, and leaving as many basics unresearched as possible, as
you'll pick those up with the library.
Great Wall: 5
The effects of this Wonder are HUGE. With a free city wall the moment you
found a city you'll be able to found new cities (with one settler and one
phalanx) right in the middle of war zones, or on that border where the
barbarians keep wiping out your cities. Add to this the diplomatic effects
of the Great Wall and you literally don't have to worry about war anymore
except when you want to attack.
Sun Tzu's: 2
You won't need barracks for a while in your new cities, but your new cities
can't produce military units quick enough to make this a worthwhile
investment unless you have nothing better to do.
Lighthouse: 2
This is really only worthwhile if you are an island nation and need to
traverse seas in your triremes, in which case its great. Otherwise you
aren't likely to need much of a navy this early in the game.
Oracle: 3
The increased effects of temples will allow your cities to grow larger
before you build Coloseums. You will need either this or Hanging Gardens if
you are playing on Deity level due to the extra unhappiness factor.
Hanging Gardens: 3
It's a toss up between this and the Oracle. I prefer the Oracle, but in
either case you'll need one on Deity level.
King Richard: 5
While some people seem to dislike this Wonder, it is stunning if used
properly: build it in your most productive city and then use that city to
crank out all the other Wonders you want, and you'll almost always win the
race to build them. On Deity level you NEED this in order to keep up with
the extreme cheating the AI gets in production. Your crusade city will also
make a great military factory if you end up in war.
Magellan's: 3
This is a good investment, but not a crucial one. Obviously you'll want it
if you are an island nation, or have many overseas colonies. If you are
continental, such as Persia or Mongolia, it isn't worth much of anything.
Copernicus: 2
This will boost your science in the city its built in, which means it should
probably go in your capital and certainly go in a city that is a trading
center, rather than a production center. This makes it difficult to build
as a trading city often has few shields. You can improve your science as
much by building a few extra universities, so this Wonder is more of a
Marco Polo: 3
This can be an extremely valuable Wonder in the right circumstances, or
merely a convenience. It is much cheaper to simply send diplomats to
establish embassies, but if you are isolated this will do the trick. It's
greatest benefit is not the embassies themselves but the establishment of
contact with undiscovered Civs, with which you can trade technologies. In
certain games you will find that this Wonder benefits your technologies even
more than the Great Library --- if you are in the middle of the pack in
advances and haven't run into many of the other nations.
Leonardo: 4
The good effects of this Wonder are obvious, so much so that you ask why it
isn't a 5. Well, it would be except for 2 factors: first, when your units
upgrade they lose their veteran status, and so the generally don't benefit
numerically until the second upgrade. Secondly, you will lose all of your
Pikemen who are upgraded to Musketeers. Pikemen have better odds against
calvary than Musketeers. In other words, a veteran Pikemen has a defense of
6 against calvary, while the non-veteran musketeer only has a defense of 3.
(Though the musketeer does have more hit points). Nonetheless, this is an
excellent Wonder and definitely worth the build.
Shakespeare: 1
The best use of this is if you have King Richard's crusade in a city, build
it there, then you can wage war under Republic and build all your military
units at that city and you don't have to worry about unhappiness. Other
than that, let the English have their theater and you can go to the movies
Michelangelo: 5
I believe this is the best Wonder up to this point in the game. The free
Cathedral in every city makes a significant difference under all
circumstances. It will allow you to switch to Republic or Democracy much
quicker without setting Luxuries ridiculously high; it allows your cities to
grow larger; it allows you to fight wars under Republic without too much
consternation; you no longer need to build temples in new cities until their
size reaches 7 or 8; and best of all, you can lay on your back and look at
the pretty pictures on the ceiling.
Isaac Newton: 3
I cant' even remember exactly what this does because I never build it. It
helps your science (libraries +50%??). I prefer to use Wonders to improve
other aspects which lets me leave my science rate high, and find that I am
generally having such a hard time getting libraries and universities into
all my cities in due time that it's better to concentrate on that.
Darwin's Voyage: 2
This isn't worth it for the science benefit. I only build it as a defensive
measure...i.e., if the game is tight I don't want the Chinese to get those
two advances as this may wipe out my slim technological lead.
Adam Smith: 5
This is incredible if you can build it early enough. Try to get an early
discovery of economics and build this baby, and you're economy will
immediately go from limping along to booming. Generally you'll see your
support cost drop from about 60 to about 25 or something like that, and all
that extra money can go in the bank, and be used to hurry the construction
of Universities and libraries in all your cities! So it really helps
science a lot in the long run.
J.S. Bach: 4
This is the second best happiness wonder after Michelangelo's Chapel, but
I'd go for the Chapel first and consider this one an additional benefit. If
you can get them both you'll be able to easily generate We Love the
President parties in all your cities and watch that population boom. This
one is also an excellent substitute for Women's Suffrage in case you don't
get that Wonder, allowing you to fight wars under Republic.
Eiffel Tower: 2
This really only gets built when you aren't doing well in the game. If
you're on the defensive against hostile neighbors all the time, this may
help bring you some much needed peace. It's also good if you've been
naughty and broken all your treaties with sneak attacks. If you play that
way this is worth a "4" rating.
Statue of Liberty: 3
How much this is worth depends largely on your playing style. If you like
to switch governments a lot it's worth a 5, but if you're like me and you
settle into a Republic or Democracy for the long haul then it isn't worth
much of anything.
Women's Suffrage: 4
This was the single most important Wonder in Civ 1, but since you can now
build Police Stations to create the same effect, it isn't absolutely
necessary. Also if you plan on staying Communist or Fundamentalist it's
worth little or nothing. But for most players this is still one of the
major goals of the game.
Hoover Dam: 5
Actually, I'd give it a 6 if it wasn't off the scale. I consider this the
one absolutely necessary Wonder. It's combination of increasing production
and lowering pollution makes or breaks the modern stages of the game. It's
worth spending all your money in the bank to rush-build it if need be.
United Nations: 3
This is good under two circumstances: You are continually forced to wage
wars that you don't want to fight, or secondly, you want to continually
sneak attack your neighbors. In either case the forced peace comes in
handy. Hopefully, however, by this point in the game you have stable
relationships with your neighbors. This is also great if you're far ahead
of the AI's, because they're going to be mean to you if they're behind.
Manhattan Project: 0
i.e., don't build it!!! Why would you do such a thing to yourself? You
opponents will simply nuke you into oblivion the minute they can. Spare the
world. Beat swords into plowshares. This is the only Wonder that you
wouldn't want if they gave it to you for free.
Give you a large increase in science, but given my continual low ratings for
science wonders, (except the Great Library), I continue here. With the SETI
there just isn't much technology left to discover, so it isn't' that
important. Furthermore, if you are doing well in the game at this point
your discoveries are coming once every 4 turns, and building this will only
reduce it to once every 3 turns.
This is the drawback to all the science Wonders: if you're doing well they
have very little impact. They are always more valuable if you're
struggling, i.e., if you are only getting advances every 15 turns this will
reduce it to 10 turns which could be significant. On the other hand, if you
build SETI you could conversely use the science benefit to turn up your tax
rate and keep those discoveries coming every 4 turns with less investment
while generating more cash.
This is one of the big tricks to the game, btw: you have to realize that a
50-50 rate of taxes to science is optimal. The more lopsided your rates get
the less productive you are. For instance, if you have 90% science and 10%
taxes, your are still less-than doubling your science but you're cutting
your cash to one-fifth of it's optimal (50%) rate. Sometimes the best use
of a Wonder is to use it not to help it's field (science or taxes) but to
free up resources for the field that isn't helped...thus if you have your
taxes set at 80% just to get by, you can build Adam Smith and turn your
taxes down to 50% to more than double your science while only lose about 1/3
of your tax money.
Cure for Cancer: 3
You probably don't need it by this point in the game with all your other
wonders and/or cathedrals, but it will make fighting a war in a democracy
easy, and also will help with those late game We Love The... days to get
that population super-high if you're playing for points.
Apollo Program: 2
Of course somebody has to build it, but why you? I wait for one of two
circumstances to build Apollo: 1) With embassies in ALL of my competitors
cities I know for a fact that they don't have the advances necessary to
complete a space ship; or 2) Although my competitors have all the science
for a successful launch, I've built Manufacturing Plants in EVERY city, and
either have Hoover Dam or individual Power Plants in EVERY city, AND I have
cranked my taxes all the way up for several turns giving me a huge (say,
5,000) sum of money in the bank to rush those spaceship parts. If you
aren't in one of those two situations you run the risk of losing the space
race, especially on the higher difficulty levels where the AI's production
cheats allow it to build spaceship parts on the cheap.
Republican Convention: 4
This one is.....what do you mean you don't have this in your copy of the
game??? Well, your copy is defective then. This one is pretty good if you
have a lot of unhappy citizens, unless you're going for a high population
score. It's almost worth it simply to being deported to Mexico and Eastern
Europe. On the down side, it kinda sucks that building this one destroys
all the libraries and universities in your cities, but you watch the great
animation of all the unhappy citizens can always build those back.
Democratic Convention: 3
Let me guess you don't have this one either? Well, you don't know what
you're missing. Building this one allows you to have a Democracy but like a
Fundamentalist government all your unhappy citizens become normal. On the
downside, it doubles the upkeep cost of ALL of your structures, plus you pay
an extra 150 per turn so that you can give out free lunch to all your
citizens. A questionable build, but sometimes worth it.